“Knowledge that is not communicated is wasted knowledge.“

The “Journal of Science, Humanities and Arts – JOSHA” has been initiated to create a novel internet platform to access the broad diversity of important discoveries and creativity in the fields of Science, Humanities and Arts. Read more ...

Wie Gefangene im eigenen Zimmer - It's just like being held Hostage in your own Room

Smilla Werle

Affiliation: Walter-Eucken-Gymnasium, Freiburg, Germany

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.3.759

Languages: German

Defining Life in African Igbo Cosmology

Vitalis Ugwu

Affiliation: Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo, Nigeria

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.3.755

Languages: English


Franziska Buttgereit

Affiliation: Theater Freiburg, Germany

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.4.751

Languages: English