“Knowledge that is not communicated is wasted knowledge.“

The “Journal of Science, Humanities and Arts – JOSHA” has been initiated to create a novel internet platform to access the broad diversity of important discoveries and creativity in the fields of Science, Humanities and Arts. Read more ...

Music Algebra: from the Scale Vectors to the Modal Tensor - Algebra Musicale: dai Vettori Scala al Tensore Modale

Carmine Cataldo

Affiliation: Independent Researcher, PhD in Mechanical Engineering, MD in Disciplines of Jazz and Improvisation (Jazz Piano), Battipaglia (SA), Italy

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.1.383

Languages: Italian

Imagined Enemies, Concrete Victims. The Speech of Léon Mugesera and the Rwandan Genocide of 1994

Fosco Bugoni, Giovanni Corvino

Affiliation: University of Milano-Bicocca

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.1.382

Languages: English

Jazz and Harmonic Substitutions: Towards a New Formalism - Jazz e Sostituzioni Armoniche: Verso un Nuovo Formalismo

Carmine Cataldo

Affiliation: Independent Researcher, PhD in Mechanical Engineering, MD in Disciplines of Jazz and Improvisation (Jazz Piano), Battipaglia (SA), Italy

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.1.381

Languages: Italian

Search for synthetic and natural substances with in vitro bioactivity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Maria-Fernanda Moreno , Wellman Ribón

Affiliation: Universidad Industrial de Santander. Colombia.

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.1.380

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

Rolling Pumpkin

Mitra Zarif-Kayvan

Affiliation: -

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.1.379

Languages: German, Persian

Frau Kakerlake und Herr Maus

Mitra Zarif-Kayvan

Affiliation: -

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.1.378

Languages: German, Persian

Psychology based on evidence and panic disorder; analysis of a case study

Jorge Alberto Velásquez Castrillón

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.1.377

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

TRANSCEND a new Translational Medicine hub at the east edge of European Union.

Eugen Carasevici

Affiliation: TRANSCEND (Center of Fundamental Research and Experimental Development in Translational Medicine), Regional Institute of Oncology in Iasi, Romania

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.1.376

Languages: English

If you speak it, you play it.

Ugo Rodolico

Affiliation: Musician, Naples, Italy

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.1.373

Languages: Italian