Implicações da Dicotomia Social Entre o Pensar e o Agir Sobre os Índices de Gravidez na Adolescência - Implications of the Social Dichotomy between Thinking and Acting on Teenage Pregnancy Rates
Rosiana Silva da Silva, Rosângela Araújo Darwich
Affiliation: University of Amazon, Belém, Brazil
Keywords: Teenage Pregnancy, Vulnerability, Internet.
Categories: News and Views, Humanities, Social Sciences and Law
DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.1.947
Languages: Portuguese
The high number of pregnant teenagers in Brazil indicates contradictions in the realization of shared values. Objective: To analyze the impact of the social dichotomy between thinking and acting on women of three different age groups who became pregnant during adolescence. Method: In the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, fifteen participants completed an online interview and were divided into three groups. Using content analysis methodology, three categories of analysis were created. Results: Similar verbalizations from women of different generations reflect the perpetuation of a cycle of misinformation. Conclusions: New public policies and healthy spaces for dialogue could combat the situation of vulnerability in adolescence and favour the full experience of this fundamental phase of existence.