
3408 1137
Published in Volume 8, Issue 2 -

Palliative care for elderly People

Donart Koci

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.2.742

Patient health is the primary issue for any health professional. Therefore, we, as students in the nursing branch and as future nurses , want through this research work to expand our knowledge and at the same time to offer before you our experience with terminal patients who were part of palliative care. Palliative care is specialized medical care for people living with a serious illness. This type of care is focused on relief from the symptoms and stress of a serious illness. Palliative care teams specialize in treating people suffering from the symptoms and stress of serious illnesses such as cancer, congestive heart failure (CHF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), kidney disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and many more. Palliative care can be helpful at any stage of illness and is best provided from the point of diagnosis.

1722 956
Published in Volume 8, Issue 1 -

Editorial Volume 8, Issue 1

Silke Masullo

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.1.740

Dear JOSHA readers, In this bi-monthly issue we present you with a diverse selection of articles. We would also like to remind you that you can support us with a small donation. Visit our social media #joshajournal and get to know us from the Instagram gallery and the Facebook wall. Remember that you can comment on the articles and also provide your star ranking.

1907 1049
Published in Volume 8, Issue 1 -

Vitamin D Supplementation

Franziska Buttgereit

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.1.738

"We get little sunlight, especially in the winter months. However, vitamin D deficiency is not as widespread as supplement manufacturers would lead us to believe. According to statistics from the Robert Koch Institute, only two percent of adults suffer from vitamin D deficiency that requires treatment.“

1592 1030
Published in Volume 8, Issue 1 -

What is the Current Formal Legal Environment for Foreign Companies in China in the Light of the Phase 1 Trade Agreement?

Mei Lin Lyu

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.1.737

This thesis employs doctrinal legal analysis methods by using laws, regulations and legal theories, to evaluate the current protections of intellectual property rights for foreign investors in mainland China. In this thesis, it compares the current Chinese laws and regulations on intellectual property protections with its international Fair and Equitable Treatment principles, previous laws, and Phase 1 Trade Agreement. It concludes that Phase 1 Trade Agreement has been implemented mostly in the current Chinese laws, which also have been improved fundamentally to protect foreign investors’ interests and rights. However, given the backgrounds on rule of law in China, this thesis also recognises the formations of Chinese laws are different from those perceived by the Western societies. Therefore, even though China has strive to cohere the standards of international investment law, its laws are still relatively lacking in preciseness and predictability, clarity and effective enforcement.

1567 1034
Published in Volume 8, Issue 1 -

The Together Project: Thabarwa Meditation Center

Johanna Patton

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.1.734

The Together Project is a series of photo essays inspiring us to see humankind in a different light by simultaneously honoring our differences and highlighting that we are so much more alike than we think we are. The Together Project is here to inspire you to have meaningful conversations, connect with others, to live life curiously, and to believe in one another. In this photo essay, Johanna explores Thabarwa Meditation Center located in Thanlyin, Myanmar and shares her experience as well as the customs that take place there. The author holds the copyright to the pictures of this article.

1612 1054
Published in Volume 7, Issue 6 -

Editorial Volume 7, Issue 6

Silke Masullo

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.7.6.731

The Journal of Sciences, Humanities and Arts wants to move on in 2021 to provide you many more articles in your favorite research fields and further exciting artworks. The whole Journal-Team wishes you a happy new year 2021!

2024 1166
Published in Volume 8, Issue 1 -

Why the biomedical Sciences need Philosophy: theoretical and practical Reasons illustrated with examples from the BioThera Institute of Philosophy

Alahí Bianchini, Ignacio Mastroleo

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.1.728

The biomedical sciences need philosophy on at least two levels. Firstly, we can find strong arguments that recognize the need for philosophy on a theoretical level, such as the development of scientific theories that in turn can have effects such as the development of new treatments or other medical interventions. However, philosophy, and particularly bioethics, is necessary for the biomedical sciences at the practical level, that is, in the daily practice of science and the achievement of its goals and results. In this work, we will reconstruct some of the arguments that point out the importance of philosophy for science on a theoretical level, and, furthermore, we will argue that these same conceptual tools of philosophy can be useful on a practical level of biomedical sciences too.

1848 1149
Published in Volume 7, Issue 6 -

Breast Implant Illness (BII)

Franziska Buttgereit

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.7.6.725

BII is not an official medical diagnosis. Women with breast implants who experience a variety of physical symptoms often associate them with their breast implants, referring to them as Breast Implant Illness (BII). These symptoms include, for example: fatigue, chest pain, hair loss, headache, chills, sensitivity to light and other chronic pain, rash, body odor, anxiety, drowsiness, sleep disorders, depression, and even neurological and hormonal problems. Affected patients attribute their issues to their implants, whether they be filled with saline or silicone, textured or smooth.. The recent surge in patients reporting symptoms of BII appears to be due to social media. There is a Facebook group of more than 50,000 members, all of whom report symptoms of BII. This is not to say that social media is the cause of the BII, but it may be responsible for the rapid increase in awareness and coverage.

1680 1056
Published in Volume 7, Issue 6 -

The Empowerment of Women and Children in India

Gayatri Sunkad

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.7.6.724

The empowerment in the view of the women in India is necessary because the women population contributes more than 49% of the nation. A woman is like a captain of the ship and she is having the responsibility in leading the family, balancing the economic condition of the family, and also having the responsibility of educating the children. The empowerment of children is also necessary, in the view of the progress of the nation, because they are the future citizens of the country. The future of the nation depends on the well being of the children. If they are physically and mentally fit, then only they can contribute for the leading of the nation.

1891 1189
Published in Volume 7, Issue 6 -

Editorial Volume 7, Issue 5

Stephan Seiler

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.7.6.720

Dear JOSHA readers, In this bi-monthly issue we will present you the 2020 Demetrios Award winners. Five prizes go to young researchers in the categories Bachelor, Master and PHD. In addition, there are many other interesting contributions to discover. Finally we would like to remind you that you can support us with a small donation. Visit our social media #joshajournal and get to know us from the Instagram gallery and the Facebook wall. Remember that you can comment on the articles and also provide your star ranking.