JOSHA’s Critical Review of “Within the Walls of the School: Reflections on the Inclusion of Individuals with Autism in Educational Settings” by Rosiana Silva da Silva et al.

Cinthya Souza Simas

Affiliation: University of Amazonia, Belém, Brazil & Journal of Science, Humanities and Arts (JOSHA), Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

Keywords: ASD, Inclusive Education, Teacher Training, Educational Policy, School Adaptation

Categories: News and Views

DOI: 10.17160/josha.12.1.1029

Languages: English

This review evaluates a study on the challenges of including students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Brazilian educational environments. The study highlights gaps between legal rights and actual practice, focusing on inadequate teacher training and school adaptations. While it effectively addresses important legislative advances and the need for better teacher preparation, it lacks empirical data on successful inclusion practices. The review commends the study for its insights but suggests adding case studies or practical examples to enhance its impact on future educational policies.

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