JOSHA’s Critical Review of “The Role of the Media in the Construction of Body Image and its Contribution to the Development of Restrictive Anorexia in Female Adolescents” by Alaide V. C. Garcia, Maria E. R. V. Pinheiro

Cinthya Souza Simas

Affiliation: University of Amazonia, Belém, Brazil & Journal of Science, Humanities and Arts (JOSHA), Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

Keywords: Adolescence; Media; Anorexia; Body image.

Categories: News and Views, Humanities, Social Sciences and Law, Life Sciences

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.2.963

Languages: English

The research, by Alaide Vitória Cardoso Garcia and Maria Eduarda Rangel Vilela Pinheiro, guided by Fernanda Lima Monteiro, explores how media, particularly social media, significantly influences female adolescent behavior regarding self-esteem and body image, correlating this influence with the rise of restrictive anorexia. The methodology involves an integrative bibliographic review using databases like Google Scholar, Scielo, and LILACS to establish a connection between social media use and anorexia development in female adolescents. The research emphasizes the historical imposition of beauty standards and the intensified impact of contemporary media on body image.

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