Cognitive-Behavioral Perspective and Schema Therapy in a Case Study on Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Jorge Alberto Velásquez Castrillón, Nicolás Estiven Muñoz Sosa, Juliana Valentina Marín López
Affiliation: Grancolombiano Polytechnic University, Medellín, Colombia
Keywords: Generalized Anxiety, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Panic Attack, Self-Schemas, Coping Strategies
Categories: Medicine
DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.4.993
Languages: Spanish, Castilian
This article presents a theoretical and practical intervention aimed at demonstrating the intervention process from Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, through a clinical case study of a 36-year-old patient whose reason for consultation was suffering a panic attack, because of her Generalized Anxiety Disorder. In the development of the evaluative process, a variety of tools were used, including semi-structured interviews, the IDARE questionnaire, the YSQ, and therapeutic activities. A treatment plan was designed, which focused on a group of techniques and tasks that allowed to show that cognitive-behavioral therapy was effective in reducing the patient's initial distress as the initial symptoms decreased, confidence increased, and more adaptive coping strategies were acquired, improving her interpersonal relationships.