The Role of Community-Based Agricultural and Rural Development Programme in Poverty Reduction in Bursari Local Government Area of Yobe State, Nigeria: 2005-2009
Usman Al-amin, Halima Baba Shehu , Fati Mohammed Ngaran
Affiliation: Department of History. University of Maiduguri. Borno State, Nigeria
Keywords: Agriculture, development, poverty, government, programme, rural, community, Yobe, Bursari, intervention, CBARDP/IFAD
Categories: Humanities, Social Sciences and Law
DOI: 10.17160/josha.4.2.285
Languages: English
The Community Base Agricultural and Rural Development Programme (CBARDP) in conjunction with International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD subsequently referred as CBARDP/IFAD) is an important poverty reduction programme. The programme contributed to the improvement of the lives of the people, particularly the vulnerable in poor rural participating areas, which also helped in the prevention of degradation of the environment. This study examines the role of the programme in poverty reduction in the participating communities of Guba, Kaliyari, and Kurnawa in Bursari Local Government Area of Yobe State, Nigeria from 2005–2009. In doing so, examination of relevant materials and conduction of interviews with some of the beneficiaries of the scheme and staff of the programme formed the sources of data used in analysing the impact of the programme. It was discovered that before the introduction of CBARDP/IFAD the participating communities suffered from endemic poverty, desert encroachment, and lack of social amenities such as adequate water supply, good education, health care facilities, and access to capital. However, with the introduction of CBARDP/IFAD to the target villages, significant changes were recorded, which includes the provision of portable water supply for domestic uses, development of the agricultural sector of the economy, health improvement, education, and the development of micro enterprises in support of vulnerable groups. Thus, the CBARDP/IFAD as a model for poverty reduction has succeeded relatively in Bursari Local Government Area (LGA) of Yobe state, Nigeria as the final assessment of this study shows.