Mehr Frauen in Führungspositionen - More women in Leadership Roles
Keywords: Medicine, Women, Leadership, Diversity, Equity
Categories: Medicine, Humanities, Social Sciences and Law
DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.5.791
Languages: German
The high proportion of women among medical students is remarkable. Nevertheless, there are still few female doctors who reach a higher position in their professional careers. At some point in their career, it seems difficult to move up further, often due to the desire to start a family. Is it possible to overcome career obstacles for talented female scientists and reduce inequalities between women and men in medicine? Prof. Dr. Monika Engelhardt, Freiburg, will talk about this topic. Interview with Prof. Dr. med. Monika Engelhardt, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg -Author: Dr. med. vet. Astrid Heinl. Previously published in: JOURNAL ONKOLOGIE 12/2020