Max Frisch – The Problem of Identity in his Work from a Psychoanalytical Point of View - Max Frisch - Die Identitätsproblematik in seinem Werk aus psychoanalytischer Sicht
Gunda Lusser-Mertelsmann
Affiliation: Universität Freiburg
Keywords: Max Frisch, Sigmund Freud, Psychoanalysis, Gender, Identity, Language: German
Categories: Humanities, Social Sciences and Law
DOI: 10.17160/josha.4.3.300
Languages: German
This article ist the first topic oft the dissertation „Max Frisch - Die Identitätsproblematik in seinem Werk aus psychoanalytischer Sicht“ by the German philologist and psychoanalyst Gunda Lusser-Mertelsmann. She reflects on the special bond and interaction between FREUD`s psychoanalysis and Max FRISCH`s characters, on the universal subjects of life and humanity represented in his work. What is identity, how does it change when love enters the picture, and where can society fit into our very personal understanding of who we are? What does it mean if we fail and how does the reflection of our own personality change when we do? In this first part, Gunda Lusser-Mertelsmann writes about the problem of identity with a special focus on the role of gender. The following article is written in German. (reprinted with kind permission of „Akademischer Verlag Heinz-Dieter“, Stuttgart 1976). Keywords: Max Frisch, Sigmund Freud, Psychoanalysis, Gender, Identity, Language: German